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Vehicle Distribution Center


Michigan was known as the the "Arsenal of Democracy." Under the policies of national and state Democrats, we are about to become the "Scrapheap of Democracy," as our industry, our agriculture, our tax base and our jobs disappear under the assault of the green regime.


Michigan Democrats, including House District 2 incumbent Tullio Liberati, enacted bills to mandate that all energy in Michigan will be "clean" and green by 2040. The green regime purports to replace fossil fuel energy with "renewable" energy, but they know that we will have to cover large parts of our farmland, coastlines, and wilderness with windmills and solar panels. So Democrats also passed legislation allowing the appointed (not elected) Public Service Commission to override local zoning jurisdictions.

I support President Trump's call to end all the green and EV-mandates and build hundreds and hundreds of new, modern fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. I also will fight to put Michigan in the forefront of the next energy revolution—nuclear fusion.


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